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When 19-year-old Erin* met with Safe Place, she was 32 weeks pregnant was sleeping on the floor in the living room of her friend’s 1-room rental flat. Prior to this, she had been moving from house to house for a few months and was living on the goodwill of her friends and their families. 


From a young age, Erin was estranged from her own family, and lived in children’s homes and girls’ homes. She previously suffered from depression and was treated at IMH for self-harm. After her discharge from the girls’ home in 2015, she moved back home. However, the relationship with her parents was strained and she left home in June 2018. When she became pregnant, she was not allowed to return home as her parents could not accept her pregnancy and did not wish to be involved in the care of the baby.


According to Erin, she caused her 1st pregnancy to miscarry by eating large amounts of pineapple. That left a regrettable mark on her and for her 2nd pregnancy (when she came under Safe Place), she was resolved to carry the baby through to full term, despite her pregnancy being considered high risk due to her severe scoliosis. 


The father of the baby did not care much about Erin’s pregnancy and they soon broke up. Erin had thoughts of letting her baby go into foster care or adoption because she couldn’t see herself being able to raise a child as a single teenage mother. However, as her pregnancy progressed, the emotional attachment to her baby grew. She changed her mind and decided to self-parent. 


Through Safe Place, she was placed in a more conducive living environment with a family, where she can call home. Safe Place came alongside with her to support her desire and goal to raise her child single-handedly to the best of her abilities.


Through the one year since she came to Safe Place, she has encountered several challenges in securing stable, long-term housing and employment. We have explored variety of options while working on re-integrating her back to her family as a priority. She has faced a lot of disappointment, frustration and setbacks. Due to various unforeseen circumstances, she had to move with her baby from place to place on a short notice. However, she has shown tenacity and resilience through it all. 


Partnering with Safe Place, Erin made several attempts to work on her relationship with her mother. Finally, after one year, the relationship is on the mend.


With Safe Place journeying with her and encouraging her, she now has a sense of hope for the future. Her baby turned one year old in 2019, and is settled happily in an infant care centre. Erin is working and is also and in a stable relationship (not with the putative father).


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